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Thursday, August 6, 2009

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

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IT Companies in Chennai / Chennai Software /List Software Companies Chennai /IT Park Tamil Nadu

1. Aayudh Games
new #92, St. Marys Road, Alwarpet
chennai 600018. Mobile Game Development and Porting

2. Accoladde Soft Technologies
Tel: +919962299053 139/59A Rangarajapuram Main road
Chennai 600024. Accoladde soft technologies pvt ltd was set up in January 1998 as a development Center, based at Chennai

AD/ 2
CHENNAI 600040. AEGIS is a professionally managed company providing software services and recruitment solutions since the past five years. We are specialised in ERP products like SAP, Siebel and Peoplesoft and Oracle.

khivraj complex II, 1st floor, 480, mount road
chennai 600035.Proven superior processes, in-depth understanding of business needs, and best-in-class solutions. One company. Excellent value. Anaasoft has been at it for more than 5 years. Skills-Computer operator

5. Ariel Technologies
8 - A Venus Colony, First street
Chennai 600 018. Ariel Technologies is a subsidiary of Ariel Ventures LLC, USA. Ariel Technologies is an e-business solution provider. Most IT Skills
Accounts, Banking, Finance

6. Asia HR Technologies Limited
2nd Floor, CVR Complex, No. 1, Dr. singaravelu Street, T Nagar, chennai-17. Asia HR Technologies was founded in 2000 to provide technology consultation services to the HR and business communities.

CHENNAI 600091. Tatan is a information technology company which provides technology solution to its clients. The Company provides software products and IT services (Managed IT Services, Application Software Development & Maintenance, BPO & IT consulting ASP, Call centre, DBA, Dot net, Java / J2EE, Web Developer
Call Center Training, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Teaching

8. Aversan Systems
Judge Jumbulingam Street
Chennai 600004. We are a reputed IT firm in chennai. We have our head office in canada.

9. Bahwan CyberTek Pvt. Ltd.,
1st Floor, Dowlath Towers
Chennai 600010. We are an IT Consulting Company having a strong presence in the Middle East. We have joined hands with Ministry of Manpower, Sultanate of Oman for staffing their 7 Engineering Colleges across Oman.
Most non-IT skills

10. Bahwan Cybertek Technologies Pvt Lt
4th Floor, Gee Gee Emarald, 151,
Nungambakkam High Road,
Chennai We are part of Bahwan group, largest in the Sultanate of Oman and having $2Billion turnover. Bahwan CyberTek is an associate company of the Bahwan Group and handles InfoTech Services business operating out of India, USA, Middle East and Germany.

11. Bay Talkitec Pvt. Ltd
CHENNAI 600032 150 Bay Talkitec is a leading provider of digitized voice application products right from 1991. As one of the early entrants in the Computer Telephony arena.

12. Benchmark Gloabl Services Pvt.
Ltd 4th Floor, T95, 3rd Avenue,
Anna Nagar
Chennai 600040 Benchmark Global Services has its Corporate Office in Singapore and has Sales and Marketing teams in the USA. BGS is into product development for e-Learning and Knowledge Management.

13. bened consulting
62, North Bogh road, 2nd Floor, T. nagar, Chennai Bened software is recognized as a leading consulting company. Bened software has gained an industry-wide reputation for its powerful capabilities and user-friendly interface.

14. Biztech Softsys
Ashok nagar
chennai 600072 50 . Net, PHP, Flash, oracle support, erp, crm

15. Bizvin Technology Group
#203, II Floor
Kaveri Complex, 96, N.H Road
Chennai 600034 Bizvin is a leading-edge solution provider and a multifaceted company providing customized solutions for various industries in the following Areas: E-Business, Software Development

16. BlueWave Technologies
14/ 6, Asokan Street
Bharathipuram, Chrompet
Chennai 600044. Bluewave Technologies is a global service provider that delivers information technology solutions to clients around the world. We provide cost-effective solutions leveraging a wide range of cutting edge technologies in the current market. Most IT Skills

17. Brainmagic Infotech Private Limited
New No:3, J. K. Towers, Zackaria Colony, II Cross Street
Chennai 600 024 . Brainmagic Infotech Private Limited is an Indian owned, operated and Chennai based web solutions and software Development Company. BIPL is a global IT company with customers all over the world including USA, UK, Australia, Spain and Portugal.

18. Broadline Computer Systems
No. 7, II nd floor, Khader Nawaz Khan Road
Chennai 600006. IT Consulting, Technology, ERP, Oracle DBA Dot net, SQL server
Marketing / Sales

19. Business Integra
101 a
3rd Main road,Madipakkam
chennai 600091 10 We provide cost-effective and high quality IT services with a complementary balance of senior IT management, strategy consultants, seasoned IT solutions architects/ project managers and qualified software engineers to Fortune2000 customers.

20. Chrisranjana Software Solutions (pvt) Ltd
Chennai - 15. A Software company located at Chennai, India.

21. Concoct Information Technologies and Solutions
Old No-3, New No-61, III Avenue, Sundarnagar
Ekkatuthangal,Chennai.Concoct Information Technology is a global technology solutions provider to enterprises, consumers & technology companies. Concoct follows a support-centric model to all its services that help its clients leverage IT to align business objectives. Most IT Skills
Accounts, Front Office / Receptionist, HRD

22. Consolidated Cybernetics Pvt Ltd
# 07, (OLD # 4) Jayammal Street,
chennai 600029 Cybernetics has expertise in specific domains - Health Care Industries, Discrete Manufacturing Industries Most IT Skills
Most non-IT Skills

23. Crewind Communcations Pvt Ltd
146/ 10, Nelson manickam Road
Near Metha Nagar Bus Stand
Chennai 600029 100 Crewind Communications Pvt. Ltd. a Chennai based Multinational involved in offering B2B services on a global scale and A registered member of STPI.

24. cukra professional consultancy
10?6 santham colony annanager west tirumangalam
chennai 600101. a leading hrd consultant in chennai to have more than 50+ it firm tie up. Java/J2EE,

25. Dextsoft (P) Ltd.
#1 & 2, AL-102, 3rd Street, Shanthi Colony, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 Dext is guided by an eminent team of directors drawn from a wide spectrum of industries, our team of more than 50 consultants, across the world includes human resource experts, technocrats and functional experts.

26. Dhyan Infotech Pvt Ltd
Tel: 044-52100088 107/ 3, Ist Floor, AMPA Manor, Nelson Manickam Road
Chennai 600029 software services company offering industry-specific solutions, strategic outsourcing, and integration services through a unique onsite, offsite Device drivers, ERP, Java/J2EE, Networking, PHP/Mysql, Telecom-Switching, Web Design, Web Developer

27. Eagle Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Chennai. Software development Company. Specializes in multi-tier web-based solutions

28. Eccentric Software
51, Vembuli Subedhar Street
Alandur, Guindy
Chennai 600016 Eceentric Software located at chennai. we are developing ASP, PHP, Coldfusion and ASP. net web applications. ASP, Dot net, PHP/Mysql, Web Developer,

29 .Efficient Frontier Tech India Pvt Ltd
311, Manickam Avenue,
Chennai 6000018 30 Efficient Frontier is the leading provider of paid search engine marketing (SEM) solutions. C, C++, Java / J2EE, Linux, Oracle, System admin-Linux, Web Developer

30. Efycaci Technologies P Ltd
25 U. I Colony
Chennai 600 024 R & D Center, specializing Java and J2EE technology Java/J2EE, Linux, Networking, PHP/Mysql, Web Design, Web Developer,

31. Elixi HR
No 19, 1st Floor, LB Road, Adyar
Chennai 600020 Recruitment Company for IT, ITES, Marketing etc... companies in Chennai

32. eNoah iSolution India Pvt Ltd
Tel: 044 30686925/30/33/43 Elnet Software City, TS 140, Block 2 & 9, Module No 32 & 42 CPT Road,
Chennai 600113 100 "poised to be the most respected BPO company" Most IT Skills
Most non-IT Skills

33. Esberi Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Level 6, 10/ 11, Chennai Citi Center
R K salai 20 Develops RIA/ REA applications using ADObe FLex, MS Silverlight and Openlaszlo systems. Concentration area is BI ans CC.

34. Esquire Systems
4D,4th Floor,Kences Towers,
North Usman Road,T Nagar
Chennai 600017 40 Esquire is a broad based IT Services Company that offers a wide array of solutions customized for a range of key verticals and horizontals from strategy consulting right through to implementing IT solutions for customers, headquartered in Dubai

35. Femtosoft Technologies
#10, Abdul Razack Street,
Chennai 600015 100 FEMTOSOFT is a premier Technological Organization with a wide vision towards advancements in Information Technology and is fast growing in the areas of Software Design and Development.

36. Finix Info Solution Pvt Ltd
g8 baid metha complex, 183 Mount road
little mount
chennai 600015 300 Software Consultancy, Services and Product development company involved in Healthcare, Retail, Protocol Development, SIP, VOIP, MGCP, SS7 etc

37 .Fulcrum Solutions
AD 74, II Floor, Shanti Colony, Anna nagar
Chennai 600040 5 Software Solutions that work the way you want IT to!! Solutions include Offshore services, BI tools, SCM, CRM, Data Management, customised application development.

CHENNAI 600050 25 GENSOFT is a Global IT Company with experienced professionals, who understand customer needs and provide simple easy to use, timely, cost-effective and integrated Software Services for special general purpose applications in open systems environment. AS 400, Mainframe, ASP, DB2, Dot net, Oracle, SQL server, Web / Graphic Design, Web Developer

39 .Gnaritus Technology Solutions Pvt. ltd
22/13 Nagarjuna nagar second street
chennai 600024 50 IT service

CHENNAI 600028 85 GoDB Tech Private Limited is a Chennai based company providing Development Platform for wireless applications. Our Platform supports all embedded OS like Palm, Pocket PC, Embedded Linux etc. Our Customers are Leading Corporates.

41. Helios Outsourcing Pvt Ltd 2nd Floor, Pantheon Plaza, Opposite to Commissioners Office
Pantheon Road, Egmore
Chennai 600008 1200 Helios Outsourcing is a BPO, created in conjunction with several companies in the UK and the US. At Helios, we have a very strong team of people who are fully committed to driving the business through innovation, passion and sheer hard work.

42. I TECH INDIA PVT LTD Old No:70 New No: 7/ 1 Heramba Apt
Jawaharlal Nehru Salai, Vadapalani
Chennai 600026 15 ITECH is a Indo-French company specialized in the development of software and Internet technologies.

43. iBorderless India Pvt. Ltd. # 13 &14, Krishnappa Street, Purasaiwakkam
Chennai 600 084 iBorderless India Pvt Ltd is an international IT specialist recruitment company. iBorderless provides specialist marketing and support services to leading USA/ Indian Information Technology (IT) organisations.

44. ICM Software Solutions 6
Chennai 600041 50 ICM Software Solutions founded in 1994 has all the technical competence and management commitment to ensure that its clients achieve their corporate goals by receiving the best possible IT solutions and related services at reduced cost.

45. Ifline Technologies 14
wallers road
chennai 600002 50 FLINE Technologies -A leading US based software firm at Chennai needs Freshers with basic programming skills and experienced candidates with proven track of record.

46. iLink Systems Inc 3C Gee Gee Emerald 312/ 151
Village Road, Nungambakkam
Chennai 600034 Technology Driven Software Services Firm specializing in creating value added solutions using Microsoft Technologies A cool Young Company where you could have plenty of fun, knowledge and growth

47. Imayam Info Solutions(p) Ltd 29, Luz Church road, 2nd floor, KK Nivas,
Chennai 600004 10 Software development with focus on web based technologies and user friendly solutions

48. Impiger technologies Alsa towers
Tailors road
Chennai 600034 100 software developement-telecom domain-web and mobile technologies

49. Indian Comnet International pvt ltd Unit 21, Block 3
SDF Buildings, Phase 1 MEPZ
Chennai 600045 COMNET International launched India COMNET as an offshore facility with the goal of using the half-day time difference to maximize software development employing a "follow-the-sun" method of operation.

50. Infycareer Pvt.Limited 28, Eldams Road
Chennai 600018 25 Infycareer is ISO company having partnership with Software Engineering Institute- US, Aarizona State University-US, CADD Center, ICBMS, CSI-India

51. Innospire Systems Nandanam
Chennai 600035 50 Innospire Systems is an IT professional services firm focused on design, development, management and integration of transaction based business applications.

52 .Innovative Chennai Placement Consultant

53. iPath Technolgies P Ltd 2, Harrington Road
Chennai 600031 50 iPath Technologies� Unified Communication Solutions provide access to your messages and data at all times � using a web browser on your computer, voice phone, SMS, PDA or mobile phone. ERP, Java / J2EE, Oracle, SQL server

54. Irssoft 117a, 1st floor, 4th wing, nelson towers,
Nm Road, Aminjikarai
Chennai 6000029 5 A knowledge-driven company offering a spectrum of information technology services and solutions to clients globally

55. IT Port Solutions AC-5, Mathrukruppa BLDG
Chennai 600083 IT Training Organisation

56 .IT-Pundits No. 682, N. S. house, Anna salai
Chennai 600035 50 We have been providing software development & consulting services to well companies in India and US, Europe. AS 400, Mainframe, C, C++, Dot net, Java / J2EE, Linux, Oracle, PHP / Mysql, SAP, Visual Basic
HRD, Marketing / Sales

57. ITIAN INFO LABS Pvt Ltd. # 3A Corporation Colony Street, Near Power house,
Chennai 600024 25 ITIAN is uniquely prepared to identify and facilitate business solutions that are right fit for you and your company with an extensive suite of services focused on IT and ITES sector. Linux, PHP / Mysql, Web / Graphic Design, Web Developer
Content / Copy Writers

58. Jadian Technologies 10/ 2, Lal mohamed 3rd cross Street,
Chennai 600005 45 Jadian provides various kinds of Business services especially Massaging system, Customized ERP software development & web application in JAVA/ J2EE, data conversion & e-publishing, web sites & portal designing, hosting and maintenance.

59. Jasley Cadd Service 211, MAJESTIC COLONY, VALASARAVAKKAM, CHENNAI-600087 Cad/ Cam 2d To 3d Conversion, Jigs And Fixture Designing, Modeling, Animation, 2d Conversion, Gis, Raster To Vector Conversion, Reverse Engineering, CAD/CAM/GIS, Web Design,
Administration, Civil Engg, Manufacturing, Marketing/Sales,

60. javaji systems & solutions,chennai #855, anna salai(mount road)
PR & SONS Building,
Chennai 600002 Javaji is a Germany based company with operations spread over US, UK, Bulgaria, etc..., Our core activities include Technical Staffing, Providing Business solutions to IT Companies, Product/ Application Development etc Most IT Skills,

61. Jeevan Technologies India Private Limited 9th Floor, GEE GEE Crystal, # 91 Dr RK Salai
Chennai 600004 400 Jeevan Technologies mission is to provide clients with high Quality Software Solutions, Testing and Consulting Services and support them to remain leaders in their Industries. Jeevan is HQ in Chennai, India, with global offices in the US, UK and NZ

62. JKV Software Solutions New No 6, Old 31 2nd Floor Khader Nawaz Khan Road
Chennai 600006 Jkv Software Solutions Is Proud To Introduce Our Self As A Professional Organization In The Field Of Human Resources Placement Helping Organizations And Software Professionals To Meet Their Mutual Requirements. Most IT Skills,
Banking, Finance, HRD,

63 .JUMP Project Management Consultants 156, Majestic Colony, Valasaravakkam
Chennai 600087 For Project Management & Advanced Project Management in India. Training, Seminars, Research and development towards establishing a Mature Project Office or enterprise.

64. Kaashyap Technologies Mylapore
Chennai 600004 50 Kaashyap is a IT service company. It is basically into SAP & consulting & outsourcing services to leading clients DB2, DBA, Oracle, SAP, Visual Basic

65. KAG Technologies Pvt Ltd 264/ 11, Satyanathan Complex,
Velachery Main Road, Tambaram East
Chennai 600059 40 We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified Gloabl Software Solution Provider located at Chennai, India.

66. KGM SOFTWARES PRIVATE LTD G Block, 26 A, Annanagar West
Chennai 600040 30 Domestic Softwares company

67. KLA Tencor 286/ 1, Prince Info City, Old mahabalipuram
Chennai 600096 KLA-Tencor Corporation is the world's leading supplier of process control and yield management solutions for the semiconductor and related microelectronics industries. VC++,

68. Kokaran Technologies Chola Towers, Madavakkam Main Road
Chennai 600096 100 Kokaran technologies is an leading IT company expertise in ODC and software consulting

69. krish IT solution 4, Trust puran,
Chennai 600024 We are an international recruitment consultant expertise in SAP. Most IT Skills,

70. Kryptos Networks
Tel: 044-43915151 Velacherry
Chennai 600042 60 Remote Infrastructure Management

71. Leading Software Technologies Ground Floor, Temple Tower, 672, Annai Salai
chennai 6000035 25 Leading Software Technologies is a software solution provider with a vision to develop Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) with a specific approach on the customer focus and need.

72. Leading Software Technologies Private Limited Ground floor,Temple tower,
Anna Salai, Nandanam
Chennai 600035 25 Leading Software Technologies Private Limited, is into Software Development, has been successfully doing industrial Training cum Recruitment Program for Freshers.

73. Legend Software Solutions No:11,N.R.D Complex,100 ft road,
, Ashok nagar,
Chennai 600083 99 LEGEND SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS is an ISO 9001-2000 Certified Software Company based in India and has its registered office in New Jersey.

74 .Letzplanout Entertainment Chennai 20 An online movie ticketing company

75 Lintelline Plot No. 19/ 6A, 1st Floor, 5th Street,
Kumaran Colony, Vadapalani,
Chennai 600026 5 Lintelline Global services offers flexible project models to do offshore outsourcing in IT and Non-IT sectors, back office outsourcing services and business process outsourcing solutions in India. Web Developer

76. loomitaas technologies pvt. ltd., 1-A, Jamals rajbhavan building, 15 vasu street, kilpauk
chennai 600010 15 we are a 3d animation company specializing in the field of 3d animation, gaming assets and website developments

77. Lorven Technologies 26/22, Vengeeswarar Nagar First Main Road
Chennai 600026 15 Software Development and Consulting

78. Maarga Systems New 22/ 1 Old 30, Potters Street,
Chennai 600 015 30 Maarga is a leading provider of collaborative solutions using Web 2. 0, Lotus Notes/ Domino and Websphere Portal to SMEs. Maarga has a worldwide footprint of customers spanning US, Europe, Asia-pacific and are recognized as experts in this niche. Call centre
Marketing / Sales

79. Manthra Solutions Inc 30, Purushothaman nagar,
Second main road, Chrompet,
chennai 600005 25 We provide turnkey software programming services in the focus areas of Application Software. Our services include architecting, designing & implementing new systems and sub-systems as well as enhancements and defect/tracking and fixing of existing systems

80. maplesesm technologies 284/ 1A, old mahabaliburam road, perungudi
chennai 600 096 150 Training and placement
81. Mastersys Tech Pvt Ltd #13/7, Berachah Building, 1st Cross Street,
Trust Puram, Kodambakkam,
Chennai 600024 30 A storage and server virtualization focused company with offices in Atlanta, Georgia and Chennai, India.

82. Melss Automation Limited 123, D3eveloped Plot estate
chennai 600096 57 MELSS AUTOMATION LIMITED is a subsidiary of MEL Systems and Services Limited an associate of Rs. 4500 crore Murugappa Group.

83. Micromen Systems & Software Private Limited 72-J, Chesney Town House, Ethiraj Salai, Egmore
Chennai 600008 Build Suerfast - ERP for the Construction industry.

84. MindZen(India)Pvt Ltd 15, Jagannathan Road, Romar House, III Floor,
Chennai 600034 50 MindZen delivers Information Technology Services and Solutions of the highest quality to corporate houses across the globe. MindZen has a process driven, customer-centric approach that results in total customer satisfaction. PHP / Mysql, System admin-Linux
Administration, Marketing / Sales

85. MVS Softech Private Limited #811, Poonamallee High Road
Chennai 600106 25 As the industry leader in Corporate elearning, interactive multimedia, and learning technologies, MVS is committed to providing our clients with cost-effective solutions utilizing various learning technologies. Web / Graphic Design, Web Developer

86. Nectar CyberTech Private Limited S-2, Malles Manor New 19/ Old no 8,
Periyar Road, II Floor T.Nagar
Chennai 600017 We are a software solution/ Consulting firm with headquarters at Chennai, India. We provide Web based solutions through consulting and software applications development. We partner with leading software houses in India, USA, Singapore & ME

87. Netrocon 47-B/ 320-B, Velachery Main Road,
Chennai 600042 50 Netrocon is a fast growing International company with offices in New Jersey, USA and Chennai, India. ASP, Dot net, SQL server, Visual Basic

88. Nohitatu
Tel: 044-42605516 85, G. N. Chetty. Road,
Chennai 600017 100 At NOHITATU SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES we provide end-to-end IT solutions to meet you technology needs. We offer complete consulting and support services for the planning, design, development, and deployment of software solutions. Most IT Skills
Call Center Training

89. Nucleus Software Exports Limited Shakthi Towers 6th floor,
766 Anna Salai
Chennai 600 002 Nucleus Software is a globally respected, multi-faceted, multi-client, products, solutions and IT services provider with singular focus on the banking and financial services for the last 18 years.

90. Openwave Computing Services Pvt Ltd., 3, 3rd Cross Street, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam
Chennai 600034 110 Openwave Computing is US based company having its headoffice in NY and development centre in Chennai, it is 11 years old company which belongs to Mohamed Sathak Group. Please visit the website to have more information about the company. PHP / Mysql, Web Developer

91. Orion InfoComp TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai IT & Business Consulting Services - Orion, IT & Business Computing Services, systems integration, application development, product engineering & offshore outsourcing services.

92. Pace Automation Limited No 59, Harris Road, Pudupet
Chennai 600008 60 complete end-to-end solution developer for various vertical applications

93. pantech solutions pvt ltd 3/ 2 ramachandra st, off north usman road, t. nagar
chennai 600017 72 Pantech solutions, derive solutions in Information Technology, Embedded Systems and advanced digital signal processing (DSP). Pantech is a Professional Designing and Development concern engaged in web media, digital-media and E-commerce services.

94. Pentasoft Technologies Limited 25, First Main Road, United India colony,
Chennai 600024 50 PENTASOFT is a global provider of information technology services based in India. We provide our clients a broad range of services through the Enterprise, Education and Entertainment Divisions.

95 .perfsystems 4/ 39 Prithivi Avenue
Chennai 600018 40 Perfsystems is a consulting and IT services company, offering a wide array of solutions, customized for a range of security and performance products and applications for enterprises. C, C++, Oracle

96 .Photon Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 2/102, Old Mahabalipuram Road, Karapakkam,
Chennai 600096 1200 Photon Infotech is a next generation internet consulting firm based out of Chennai, India. The Company is 8+ years young tech savvy and working accross all the domanins.

97. Positive Edge Productions Pvt Ltd 88, Bhaskaran Colony, 3rd Street,
Chennai 600092 13 7. 5 year old, Chennai based, with US presence, Web based design and application development Company, with a small team size and on the mode of expansion.

98 .R Square Information Technology Jamal Fazal chambers, A, 26, 1st floor
Greams Road
Chennai 600006 52 R Square is a IT services provider for Global 2000 companies with a comprehensive range of software solutions and services. R Square offers right mix of software development services and full-cycle project capabilities through

99 .RAL Software Adyar
Chennai 600020 C, C++, Web / Graphic Design

100 .Random Infotech
Tel: 91 44 42772565 5 Sai Soudha,
NSK Lane, Saligramam,
Chennai 600093. Application Developer in Java,. NET Mobile Applicaion Development and Service provider to mobile operator.

101. Rhytha Web Solutions
NO:2/ 268, Kannadasan St
Mogappair East
Chennai 600037. Rhytha Web Solutions was incorporated in 2001. With the young, energetic and dedicated team of players in this company, we are committed to the highest level of quality to serve our clients better.

102. RJP Infotek Pvt Ltd
89 Arcot Road, Kodambakkam,
Chennai 600024. IT Training & Placements in Networking (courses mapped to International Certifications like CCNA, CCNP, RHCE, MCSE, CIW-SA etc) Linux, Networking, System admin-Linux, System admin-Windows
Marketing / Sales

103 .RR Infotech
57/ 2B, Subodaya, East Coast Road
Chennai 600 041 Our company non voice based BPO industry Most IT Skills,
Most non-IT Skills,

104. Sai Outsourcing Company Pvt. Ltd
No. 3, Singaravelu Street,
T. Nagar,
Chennai 600017 We are an ISO 9001:14001 Certified Private Limited BPO firm with interests in all types of BPO projects with extensive networks in the major cities of India. We are Outsourcing Data Processing works.

105. Sandesh Data Systems
No: 236, P. R. Plaza, Velachery Main Road,
Selaiyur, Tambaram
Chennai 600073 Sandesh Data Systems has expertise in the areas of application development, consulting, web solutions, and testing. Sandesh Data Systems caters to industry sectors like Healthcare, Telecommunications, Manufacturing and Education, amongst others. Dot net, Java/J2EE, Linux, Oracle, PHP/Mysql, VC++,

CHENNAI-600040. SCR SOFT Technologies is a global software services company specializing in engineering design and IT solutions CAD / CAM / GIS, Java / J2EE, Software testing, Visual Basic, Web / Graphic Design, Web Developer

107. SESols Technologies
5/ 14, Teju House, 3rd Floor,
Appu St. 1st Lane, Mylapore
Chennai 600004. ERP Implementation

108. Seven Axiom Software Consultant
Plot Old No:494, New No:25,
22nd Street, Korattur,
Chennai 600 080. We are into Consulting, Developing & Corporate Training in Technologies such as JAVA/ J2EE, ASP. NET, VB, Software Testing and Embedded Systems. Java / J2EE

109.SGS Technologie P Ltd
113 Ponamalle High Road
Chennai 600084. SGS Technologie is a leading information technology service provider, providing software and IT enabled services. It is an MNC providing services to clients all over the world.

110. Silkfort Technologies
Gandhi Nagar Adyar
Chennai 600020. 3yr old consultancy organization with focus on web development, content management, workflow, healthcare and knowledge management systems.

111. SKL Solutions
CKP Towers,
72 West jones road, west saidapt
chennai 600015. We are chennai based, Software companies mainly dealing with UK, US, Australia Clients. we have achieved a target of 20 website in just 2 months including 2 big programing site. Web / Graphic Design

112. Softcrylic Technology Solutions India
Softcrylic Technology Solutions India, 38/16, Maharaja Surya Road
Alwarpet, Chennai 600 018. Softcrylic is a global IT services company dedicated to delivering effective business solutions and results to our clients since 2000. We provide a full range of solutions and services. (skills)Web Developer

113. Softeon India Pvt. Ltd.
9, Neeladri, Teynampet
Chennai 600018 Software Consultancy/ Product
114. SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd
Cathedral Rd,
Chennai 250 The Company provides composite solutions including Business Consultancy, IT solutions & Implementation and Support Services.

115. Springboard - CDC
11, 2nd East Street, Kamaraj Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur
Chennai 600041. Springboard is a competency development centre founded by a group of IT professionals who have been working with CMMi Level 5 organizations.

116. Steadfast Technology Services Pvt Ltd.
78/103,Dr.RadhaKrishnan Salai,3rd Floor,
Chennai 600 004. Steadfast is the Maker of "Pactus", a Successful easy to use CRM solution with over 100 installations. Steadfast is also a provider of high quality. Net technology services.

117 .Stira Technologies.
A Division of Smartek21. New No. 145, Old No. 27, 2nd Floor, Aalam Center,
Senthil Nagar, 100 ft Road, Choolaimedu,
Chennai 600 094. Smartek21 LLC was formed by a group of IT professionals. Our seasoned highly experienced team brings cumulatively, more than 30 years of experience in large corporations dealing with customers in the United States, Europe, Singapore and India. (skills)C, C++, Dot net

118. TE Software Services Pvt. Ltd
T E Software Services, MCM Tech Park, 6th Floor, Super B-3
Thiru - Vi - Ka Industrial Estate, Guidy
Chennai 600 032 . TES is a product based company, started in 2007. We focus on creating product(s) for Business Applications exclusively for the Mobile Industry.

119. Techsakthi Solutions
#1, L. B Road,
Chennai 600041. Provide IT Services, Web Development, ERP, CRM, Call Center, HR Staffing and IT Consulting

120. Tour de Force
No. 4, 34th street, 4th Avenue, Ashok Nagar.
Chennai 600083. Tour de Force is the technology trainers. Tour de Force has helped individuals become successful professionals both in terms of revenue and repute.

121. TPF Software India (P) Ltd
TPF Software India (P)Ltd,
No, 578, Shree Park, Anna Sali,
Chennai TPF.Software Development company .System admin-Windows, VC++, Visual Basic

122. Transcend Technology Orbit
#4, 34th Street, Ashok Nagar
Chennai 600083. Transcend Technology Orbit specializes in, domestic end-user product development and deployment, HR Consulting and Management, Automation Planning, Technology Consulting, Customized onsite and offshore Software development. Most IT Skills
Most non-IT Skills

123 .Tychon Solutions
626/ 501 5th floor, JVL Plaza, Anna salai, Teynampet.
Chennai 600018. Tychon Solutions Pvt Ltd (Formerly known as Brij Datalink)is a 8 year old IT Company with ISO 9001:2000 certification, providing software development/ support services for clients in USA, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia & India. Most IT Skills

124. ultramatics india pvt ltd
213, NSIC software technology park,
ekkadu thangal,
chennai 600032. ultramatics is a software development company, offshore located in chennai and head quarters in oldsmar, florida.

125.Unipro Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd
No. 6, C. I. T Colony, II Main Road,
Chennai 600004. We are one of the leading POS & Barcode Solution provider in ASIA Pacific. We are expanding our business in chennai. Our Product Retailpos is widely used in Singapore, Brunei, and Malaysia. Most IT Skills,
Administration, Banking, HRD, Teaching,

126. USA Websolutions
Aarthi chambers 3rd floor,
189, Anna salai,
Chennai 600002. USA Websolutions is a dedicated offshore IT Service Provider specializing in Web Application Development & Maintenance with its Headquartered in New York and an offshore development center in Chennai . ASP, PHP/Mysql, Web Design, WebDeveloper(skills)

127. Vaasum Soft Tech Private Limited
#11. Club Road, Chetpet
Chennai 600 031 . IT Consulting

128. Valgen Business Solutions Pvt Ltd
#11, 7th cross st., lake area, nungambakkam,
chennai 600034. Valgen is a software company development providing ERP solutions to its customers with its base in USA. Apart from Indian operations our focus is primarily on US and European markets.

129. vedham india
83 Ground Floor, Eldams Road, Teynampet,
Chennai 600018. Veda System Solutions Pvt. Ltd., (Formerly Vedham India). Software development company. Projects and Products are developed in. Net technology. We are Microsoft Certified Parter.

130.veeserv technologies
39,6th Street,Nethaji Nagar,
Chennai 600 081. We have successfully established ourselves in the market. In view of our growth the company has incorporated in name of "Veeserv Technologies". ASP, Java / J2EE

131.Ventech Solutions 6 / 69, THIRUMALAIPILLAI ROAD, T nagar,
Chennai 600 017. CMMi M Level 5 assessed Global IT Business and consulting organization, headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, USA.

132.Vertech Software Labs chennai 5 Software Consulting company in chennai
133.Vestige Software Technologies (P) Ltd.
No.157,TVS Avenue, Anna Nagar West Extension,
Landmark: Near MMM Hospital
Chennai 600101.Dental Software Service Providers Device drivers, Dot net, Networking, Software testing, System admin-Windows, Web / Graphic Design, Web Developer
Front Office / Receptionist, Marketing / Sales

134.VIT Consultancy Pvt Ltd
Ascendas International Tech Park, Unit 3, Ground Floor, Pinnacle, taramani
Chennai 600113. VIT is a global provider of IT services, which includes Project Management, Business Consulting, Application Development and Maintenance. VIT is a group company of A-IT Software services, Singapore. VIT is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company.

135. Whizbytes Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
New no. 62, Abiramapuram 3rd street,
Chennai 600018. WhizBytes Technologies is a software services provider partnered with Biber Tech, USA, an Award Winning Software Solution Provider pioneering in Software Application and Development. Services like Consulting, Application and Website Development etc.

136. Whizel Technologies Pvt Ltd
96/ 104, # 107
Kaveri Complex, Nungambakkam High Road,
Chennai 600034. Founded in September 1996, WHIZTEC is promoted by technocrats with experienceinelectronics, embedded systems, signalprocessing, speech and audioprocessing, imageprocessing, process control, business management and object oriented software development.

137. Yantro Software (P) Ltd
No 9, Beemasana Garden Street,
Chennai 600004. YANTRO is an multinational IT services that delivers affordable business and technology solutions. Founded in 2003 at Chennai, India,

138.YBR Information
Kodambakkam, Chennai 24.Trading and consultancy (profile)

139. ZANEC Soft Tech
36, Kamaraj Avenue Second street,
Chennai 600020. ZANEC Soft Tech is a IT software product development company. If you are a product connoisseur with the design and engineering mindset of creative ingenuity. We offer challenging and mind-bending product work.

140. Zeptoware Technologies
21/ 74, Karneeswarar Kovil St,
Chennai 600015.

141. Zerobase Electronics pvt ltd
7 B Bharathiyar Street,
Murugappa Nagar,
Chennai 600094.

142.Unique connections
8/1,RK Mutt road
 first floor,chennai-28.e-mail:

143.Golden Placements
B-8,THIRUMALAI COMPLEX,ICF link road,chennai 600 049

144.Synthesis Inc,
145.The Software Solutions (P) Ltd.,
241F, Ground Floor,Kilpauk,Chennai - 10

145.Alps Systems (P) Ltd.,
C-343, 8th Avenue, Ashok Nagar,
Chennai - 83

146.Sathyan & Royappa,

147. i soft r & d ltd,kodampakkam high road,hafiz court, palm grove stop,opposite to big fm 92.7,nungambakkam.

148. cosmosoft,kodambakkam,near power house bus stop.
149.sannet - anushaya street kodambakkam .

150. sitech - near jemini ,mount road,palm grove.
For full list of IT companies in chennai and bangalore use the following link